Ascending Studio

Breath Into the Air!
with Ellie

November 4 (Saturday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
180 minutes

Patio Blue Ridge

EmPowerFlow Yoga, Workshop Experience with Ellie Lipton
Saturday, November 4, 2023,  1 - 4pm
Ascending Studio at Willow Creek Falls
$65 -  early fee until Oct. 1st
$75 - Oct. 2nd

 Breath Into the Air! 
     Opening, Accessing the Air Element in the Heart Chakra….the 4th chakra of our energy system.  In this workshop experience I will present:
*.  an overview of the chakras
*.  specifics on the Heart Chakra, the energy Source of the Air Element
*.   poses/asanas to ‘connect the dots’ of the air element throughout the whole body especially shoulders, kidneys/mid-back, ankles

*   integrate with poses to lengthen the spine, power up the core and gently sink into the mindfulness of how you feel now.

     Energy goes where attention is given.  Give love and attention to your precious heart, open the stiff places, take a leap towards a supple body and peaceful mind….the yogi way to transform fear into love.


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