Ascending Studio

Messages from Nature Workshop
with Guest Instructor

March 29 (Saturday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
180 minutes


Deanna Slate Stennett , shamanic teacher and healer since 1997, offers this exciting new workshop.

March 29, 1-4. $65. 

Messages from Nature ~

Heart Fire Healing Journeys

How does the Creator speak to you? Perhaps you hear a still small voice in your heart,

perhaps another human being says something that resonates so strongly you know it must

come from a higher source. Many indigenous people say that the Creator speaks to us

through the Creation. Even the bible says that God’s word is written in the stars.

Out of the Dark into Light

Explore the gifts of both.

Come spend a day exploring the messages from the Creator through nature. 

Using the power of your own intuition combined with shamanic journeying, you will be wowed and amazed with how Great Spirit is always sharing its love and wisdom with you. 

You’ll never look at a tree or a flower or a bird the same way. We are never alone, Spirit is always with us, and always caring for us.


Messages from Nature Workshop (Ticket)

Class Price


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